8 Key Benefits Of On-Facebook Destination Automotive Inventory Ads

Facebook rolled out On-Facebook Destination for Automotive Inventory Ads (AIA) in 2020. These ads appear in a carousel ad format just like standard Automotive Inventory Ads. However, this specific Facebook advertising type allows car dealers to drive traffic to Facebook’s dynamic and mobile-optimized vehicle detail pages (VDP). This is designed to advertise both new & used inventory while providing a smoother user experience on the Facebook platform and to generate better results for dealers at a cheaper cost. 

Why On-Facebook Destination Ads?

On Facebook Destination Inventory ad campaigns helps your dealership to provide a frictionless shopping experience since the shopper doesn’t need to leave Facebook and click over to your website to learn more about the vehicle they are interested in. Instead of landing on a dealer’s VDP page, the VDP lives within the Facebook app and a potential buyer can reach out to you directly in Facebook Messenger to send a Facebook message inquiring about the vehicle, click to call the dealership, click to get directions to the dealership or click to visit the website for more details.

8 Key Benefits Of On-Facebook Destination Inventory Ads

  1. Ensures a frictionless shopping experience for car shoppers
  2. Reach more of your in-market shoppers during their customer journey
  3. Generate better results for your dealership at a cheaper cost, over time
  4. Convenient one-time setup. Automotive inventory ads are automatic, efficient and adaptable
  5. Reach people across devices. Dealer ads will appear on web and mobile
  6. Remove the friction of slow mobile page load times on websites
  7. Your campaigns are always on and are automatically set to reach people with the right inventory at the right time
  8. Your dealership can qualify leads in real time by chatting with shoppers in Facebook Messenger via the on-Facebook VDP’s

Any dealership who is keen to advertise their new or used car inventory on Facebook, Marketplace and Instagram,should considder this Facebook ad format.

It’s designed specifically for car dealers and helps you reach your target audience on social media more effectively and efficiently.

To Conclude

We recommend running a standard Automotive Inventory Ad campaign side-by-side with an On-Facebook Destination Campaign for at least a couple of months to test which drives the most value for your dealership.

If you drive better results at a lower cost with On Facebook Destination Inventory ads, your dealership now have the stats to prove the better results and can easily switch to running only On-Facebook Destination for AIA campaigns after the test period.

To run this type of campaign, you will need to be set up with a vehicle catalog of your inventory, and it’s highly recommended to install the Facebook pixel on your website so you can expand your retargeting audience.

If you don’t have the time or the experise to launch and manage these type of dynamic ads for your car dealership, our team is here to help. Our team specializes in the design, publishing and management of Modern Mobile Optimised Dealership Websites, and Social Media Marketing Solutions with a strong focus on Paid Facebook Advertising For Car Dealerships.

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